Source code for envisage.tests.test_egg_basket_plugin_manager

# (C) Copyright 2007-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
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""" Tests for the 'Egg Basket' plugin manager. """

import glob
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
from os.path import basename, join

import pkg_resources

from envisage.egg_basket_plugin_manager import EggBasketPluginManager
from envisage.tests.test_egg_based import build_egg

[docs]class EggBasketPluginManagerTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for the 'Egg Basket' plugin manager.""" #### 'unittest.TestCase' protocol #########################################
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """ Create eggs for testing purposes. """ cls.eggs_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cls.bad_eggs_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() eggs_root_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "envisage.tests", "eggs" ) for egg_name in ["acme-bar", "acme-baz", "acme-foo"]: build_egg( egg_dir=join(eggs_root_dir, egg_name), dist_dir=cls.eggs_dir, ) bad_eggs_root_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "envisage.tests", "bad_eggs" ) for egg_name in ["acme-bad"]: build_egg( egg_dir=join(bad_eggs_root_dir, egg_name), dist_dir=cls.bad_eggs_dir, )
[docs] @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): """ Delete created eggs. """ shutil.rmtree(cls.bad_eggs_dir) shutil.rmtree(cls.eggs_dir)
[docs] def setUp(self): """Prepares the test fixture before each test method is called.""" # Some tests cause sys.path to be modified. Capture the original # contents so that we can restore sys.path later. self._original_sys_path_contents = sys.path[:]
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Called immediately after each test method has been called.""" # Undo any sys.path modifications sys.path[:] = self._original_sys_path_contents # `envisage.egg_utils.get_entry_points_in_egg_order` modifies the # global working set. pkg_resources.working_set = pkg_resources.WorkingSet()
#### Tests ################################################################
[docs] def test_find_plugins_in_eggs_on_the_plugin_path(self): with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): plugin_manager = EggBasketPluginManager( plugin_path=[self.eggs_dir] ) ids = [ for plugin in plugin_manager] self.assertEqual(len(ids), 3) self.assertIn("", ids) self.assertIn("", ids) self.assertIn("acme.baz", ids)
[docs] def test_only_find_plugins_whose_ids_are_in_the_include_list(self): # Note that the items in the list use the 'fnmatch' syntax for matching # plugins Ids. include = ["", ""] with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): plugin_manager = EggBasketPluginManager( plugin_path=[self.eggs_dir], include=include ) # The Ids of the plugins that we expect the plugin manager to find. expected = ["", ""] # Make sure the plugin manager found only the required plugins and that # it starts and stops them correctly.. self._test_start_and_stop(plugin_manager, expected)
[docs] def test_only_find_plugins_matching_a_wildcard_in_the_include_list(self): # Note that the items in the list use the 'fnmatch' syntax for matching # plugins Ids. include = ["acme.b*"] with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): plugin_manager = EggBasketPluginManager( plugin_path=[self.eggs_dir], include=include ) # The Ids of the plugins that we expect the plugin manager to find. expected = ["", "acme.baz"] # Make sure the plugin manager found only the required plugins and that # it starts and stops them correctly.. self._test_start_and_stop(plugin_manager, expected)
[docs] def test_ignore_plugins_whose_ids_are_in_the_exclude_list(self): # Note that the items in the list use the 'fnmatch' syntax for matching # plugins Ids. exclude = ["", "acme.baz"] with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): plugin_manager = EggBasketPluginManager( plugin_path=[self.eggs_dir], exclude=exclude ) # The Ids of the plugins that we expect the plugin manager to find. expected = [""] # Make sure the plugin manager found only the required plugins and that # it starts and stops them correctly.. self._test_start_and_stop(plugin_manager, expected)
[docs] def test_ignore_plugins_matching_a_wildcard_in_the_exclude_list(self): # Note that the items in the list use the 'fnmatch' syntax for matching # plugins Ids. exclude = ["acme.b*"] with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): plugin_manager = EggBasketPluginManager( plugin_path=[self.eggs_dir], exclude=exclude ) # The Ids of the plugins that we expect the plugin manager to find. expected = [""] # Make sure the plugin manager found only the required plugins and that # it starts and stops them correctly.. self._test_start_and_stop(plugin_manager, expected)
[docs] def test_reflect_changes_to_the_plugin_path(self): with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): plugin_manager = EggBasketPluginManager() ids = [ for plugin in plugin_manager] self.assertEqual(len(ids), 0) plugin_manager.plugin_path.append(self.eggs_dir) ids = [ for plugin in plugin_manager] self.assertEqual(len(ids), 3) self.assertIn("", ids) self.assertIn("", ids) self.assertIn("acme.baz", ids) del plugin_manager.plugin_path[0] ids = [ for plugin in plugin_manager] self.assertEqual(len(ids), 0)
[docs] def test_ignore_broken_plugins_raises_exceptions_by_default(self): with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): plugin_manager = EggBasketPluginManager( plugin_path=[self.bad_eggs_dir, self.eggs_dir], ) with self.assertRaises(ImportError): list(plugin_manager)
[docs] def test_ignore_broken_plugins_loads_good_plugins(self): data = {"count": 0} def on_broken_plugin(ep, exc): data["count"] += 1 data["entry_point"] = ep data["exc"] = exc with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): plugin_manager = EggBasketPluginManager( plugin_path=[self.bad_eggs_dir, self.eggs_dir], on_broken_plugin=on_broken_plugin, ) ids = [ for plugin in plugin_manager] self.assertEqual(len(ids), 3) self.assertIn("", ids) self.assertIn("", ids) self.assertIn("acme.baz", ids) self.assertEqual(data["count"], 1) self.assertEqual(data["entry_point"].name, "acme.bad") exc = data["exc"] self.assertTrue(isinstance(exc, ImportError))
[docs] def test_ignore_broken_distributions_raises_exceptions_by_default(self): # Make sure that the distributions from eggs are already in the working # set. This includes acme-foo, with version 0.1a1. for dist in pkg_resources.find_distributions(self.eggs_dir): pkg_resources.working_set.add(dist) with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): plugin_manager = EggBasketPluginManager( plugin_path=[ # Attempt to add acme-foo, with conflicting version 0.1a11 self._create_broken_distribution_eggdir("acme_foo*.egg"), ], ) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): iter(plugin_manager)
[docs] def test_ignore_broken_distributions_loads_good_distributions(self): # Make sure that the distributions from eggs are already in the working # set. This includes acme-foo, with version 0.1a1. for dist in pkg_resources.find_distributions(self.eggs_dir): pkg_resources.working_set.add(dist) data = {"count": 0} def on_broken_distribution(dist, exc): data["count"] += 1 data["distribution"] = dist data["exc"] = exc with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): plugin_manager = EggBasketPluginManager( plugin_path=[ self.eggs_dir, self._create_broken_distribution_eggdir("acme_foo*.egg"), ], on_broken_distribution=on_broken_distribution, ) ids = [ for plugin in plugin_manager] self.assertEqual(len(ids), 3) self.assertIn("", ids) self.assertIn("", ids) self.assertIn("acme.baz", ids) self.assertEqual(data["count"], 1) self.assertEqual(data["distribution"].project_name, "acme-foo") exc = data["exc"] self.assertTrue(isinstance(exc, pkg_resources.VersionConflict))
#### Private protocol ##################################################### def _test_start_and_stop(self, plugin_manager, expected): """ Make sure the plugin manager starts and stops the expected plugins. """ # Make sure the plugin manager found only the required plugins. self.assertEqual(expected, [ for plugin in plugin_manager]) # Start the plugin manager. This starts all of the plugin manager's # plugins. plugin_manager.start() # Make sure all of the the plugins were started. for id in expected: plugin = plugin_manager.get_plugin(id) self.assertNotEqual(None, plugin) self.assertEqual(True, plugin.started) # Stop the plugin manager. This stops all of the plugin manager's # plugins. plugin_manager.stop() # Make sure all of the the plugins were stopped. for id in expected: plugin = plugin_manager.get_plugin(id) self.assertNotEqual(None, plugin) self.assertEqual(True, plugin.stopped) def _create_broken_distribution_eggdir(self, egg_pat, replacement=None): """Copy a good egg to a different version egg name in a new temp dir and return the new directory. Parameters ---------- egg_pat: a glob pattern for the egg in `self.egg_dir` eg '*.egg' replacement: a string replacement for the version part of egg name. If None, '1' is appended to the original version. Returns ------- The newly created dir where the new broken egg is copied. Adding this dir to plugin_path will cause VersionConflict on trying to load distributions. """ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, tmpdir) # Copy the egg to the temp dir and rename it eggs = glob.glob(join(self.eggs_dir, egg_pat)) for egg in eggs: egg_name = basename(egg) split_name = egg_name.split("-") if replacement is None: split_name[1] += "1" else: split_name[1] = replacement new_name = "-".join(split_name) shutil.copy(egg, join(tmpdir, new_name)) return tmpdir