Source code for envisage.tests.test_composite_plugin_manager

# (C) Copyright 2007-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
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""" Tests for the composite plugin manager. """

import unittest

from traits.api import Bool

from envisage.application import Application
from envisage.composite_plugin_manager import CompositePluginManager
from envisage.plugin import Plugin
from envisage.plugin_manager import PluginManager

[docs]class SimplePlugin(Plugin): """A simple plugin.""" #### 'SimplePlugin' protocol ############################################## started = Bool(False) stopped = Bool(False) #### 'IPlugin' protocol ###################################################
[docs] def start(self): """Start the plugin.""" self.started = True self.stopped = False
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the plugin.""" self.started = False self.stopped = True
[docs]class CustomException(Exception): """Custom exception used for testing purposes.""" pass
[docs]class RaisingPluginManager(PluginManager): """A PluginManager that raises on iteration.""" def __iter__(self): raise CustomException("Something went wrong.")
[docs]class CompositePluginManagerTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for the composite plugin manager."""
[docs] def test_find_no_plugins_if_there_are_no_plugin_managers(self): plugin_manager = CompositePluginManager() ids = [ for plugin in plugin_manager] self.assertEqual(0, len(ids))
[docs] def test_find_no_plugins_if_there_are_no_plugins_in_plugin_managers(self): plugin_manager = CompositePluginManager( plugin_managers=[PluginManager(), PluginManager()] ) ids = [ for plugin in plugin_manager] self.assertEqual(0, len(ids))
[docs] def test_find_plugins_in_a_single_plugin_manager(self): plugin_manager = CompositePluginManager( plugin_managers=[ PluginManager( plugins=[SimplePlugin(id="red"), SimplePlugin(id="yellow")] ) ] ) ids = [ for plugin in plugin_manager] self.assertEqual(2, len(ids)) self.assertIn("red", ids) self.assertIn("yellow", ids) self._test_start_and_stop(plugin_manager, ["red", "yellow"])
[docs] def test_find_plugins_in_a_multiple_plugin_managers(self): plugin_manager = CompositePluginManager( plugin_managers=[ PluginManager( plugins=[SimplePlugin(id="red"), SimplePlugin(id="yellow")] ), PluginManager(plugins=[SimplePlugin(id="green")]), ] ) ids = [ for plugin in plugin_manager] self.assertEqual(3, len(ids)) self.assertIn("red", ids) self.assertIn("yellow", ids) self.assertIn("green", ids) self._test_start_and_stop(plugin_manager, ["red", "yellow", "green"])
[docs] def test_application_gets_propogated_to_plugin_managers(self): application = Application() composite_plugin_manager = CompositePluginManager( application=application, plugin_managers=[PluginManager(), PluginManager()], ) for plugin_manager in composite_plugin_manager.plugin_managers: self.assertEqual(application, plugin_manager.application)
[docs] def test_propogate_plugin_added_or_remove_events_from_plugin_managers( self, ): a = PluginManager() b = PluginManager() composite_plugin_manager = CompositePluginManager( plugin_managers=[a, b] ) composite_plugin_manager._plugins def added(obj, trait_name, old, new): added.count += 1 added.count = 0 composite_plugin_manager.on_trait_change(added, "plugin_added") def removed(obj, trait_name, old, new): removed.count += 1 removed.count = 0 composite_plugin_manager.on_trait_change(removed, "plugin_removed") a.add_plugin(Plugin(id="foo")) self.assertEqual(1, self._plugin_count(composite_plugin_manager)) a.remove_plugin(a.get_plugin("foo")) self.assertEqual(0, self._plugin_count(composite_plugin_manager))
[docs] def test_correct_exception_propagated_from_plugin_manager(self): plugin_manager = CompositePluginManager( plugin_managers=[RaisingPluginManager()] ) with self.assertRaises(CustomException): plugin_manager.start()
#### Private protocol ##################################################### def _plugin_count(self, plugin_manager): """Return how many plugins the plugin manager contains.""" count = 0 for plugin in plugin_manager: count += 1 return count def _test_start_and_stop(self, plugin_manager, expected): """ Make sure the plugin manager starts and stops the expected plugins. """ # Make sure the plugin manager found only the required plugins. self.assertEqual(expected, [ for plugin in plugin_manager]) # Start the plugin manager. This starts all of the plugin manager's # plugins. plugin_manager.start() # Make sure all of the the plugins were started. for id in expected: plugin = plugin_manager.get_plugin(id) self.assertNotEqual(None, plugin) self.assertEqual(True, plugin.started) # Stop the plugin manager. This stops all of the plugin manager's # plugins. plugin_manager.stop() # Make sure all of the the plugins were stopped. for id in expected: plugin = plugin_manager.get_plugin(id) self.assertNotEqual(None, plugin) self.assertEqual(True, plugin.stopped)