Source code for envisage.tests.test_application

# (C) Copyright 2007-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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""" Tests for applications and plugins. """

# Standard library imports.
import os
import shutil
import unittest

from traits.api import Bool, Int, List

# Enthought library imports.
from traits.etsconfig.api import ETSConfig

from envisage.api import ExtensionPoint, Plugin, PluginManager
from envisage.tests.ets_config_patcher import ETSConfigPatcher

# Local imports.
from envisage.tests.event_tracker import EventTracker
from import PluginA, PluginB, PluginC, SimpleApplication

[docs]def vetoer(event): """An observer that will veto an event.""" = True
[docs]class SimplePlugin(Plugin): """A simple plugin.""" #### 'SimplePlugin' interface ############################################# started = Bool(False) stopped = Bool(False) ########################################################################### # 'IPlugin' interface. ###########################################################################
[docs] def start(self): """Start the plugin.""" self.started = True self.stopped = False
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the plugin.""" self.started = False self.stopped = True
[docs]class BadPlugin(Plugin): """A plugin that just causes trouble ;^).""" ########################################################################### # 'IPlugin' interface. ###########################################################################
[docs] def start(self): """Start the plugin.""" raise 1 / 0
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the plugin.""" raise 1 / 0
# PluginD and PluginE each contribute to the other's extension points, but both # expect to be started before contributions are made. # xref: enthought/envisage#417
[docs]class PluginD(Plugin): """Plugin that expects to be started before contributing to extension points.""" id = "D" x = ExtensionPoint(List, id="d.x") y = List(Int, contributes_to="e.x") started = Bool(False)
[docs] def start(self): self.started = True
def _y_default(self): if self.started: return [4, 5, 6] else: return []
[docs]class PluginE(Plugin): """Another plugin that expects to be started before contributing to extension points.""" id = "E" x = ExtensionPoint(List, id="e.x") y = List(Int, contributes_to="d.x") started = Bool(False)
[docs] def start(self): self.started = True
def _y_default(self): if self.started: return [1, 2, 3] else: return []
[docs]class ApplicationTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for applications and plugins."""
[docs] def setUp(self): """Prepares the test fixture before each test method is called.""" ets_config_patcher = ETSConfigPatcher() ets_config_patcher.start() self.addCleanup(ets_config_patcher.stop)
[docs] def test_home(self): """home""" application = SimpleApplication() # Make sure we get the right default value. self.assertEqual(ETSConfig.application_home, application.home) # Delete the directory. shutil.rmtree(application.home) # Create a new application. application = SimpleApplication() # Make sure the directory got created. self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(application.home)) # Delete the directory. shutil.rmtree(application.home)
[docs] def test_no_plugins(self): """no plugins""" application = SimpleApplication() tracker = EventTracker( subscriptions=[ (application, "starting"), (application, "started"), (application, "stopping"), (application, "stopped"), ] ) # Start the application. started = application.start() self.assertEqual(True, started) self.assertEqual(["starting", "started"], tracker.event_names) # Stop the application. stopped = application.stop() self.assertEqual(True, stopped) self.assertEqual( ["starting", "started", "stopping", "stopped"], tracker.event_names )
[docs] def test_veto_starting(self): """veto starting""" application = SimpleApplication() # This listener will veto the 'starting' event. application.observe(vetoer, "starting") tracker = EventTracker( subscriptions=[ (application, "starting"), (application, "started"), (application, "stopping"), (application, "stopped"), ] ) # Start the application. started = application.start() self.assertEqual(False, started) self.assertTrue("started" not in tracker.event_names)
[docs] def test_veto_stopping(self): """veto stopping""" application = SimpleApplication() # This listener will veto the 'stopping' event. application.observe(vetoer, "stopping") tracker = EventTracker( subscriptions=[ (application, "starting"), (application, "started"), (application, "stopping"), (application, "stopped"), ] ) # Start the application. started = application.start() self.assertEqual(["starting", "started"], tracker.event_names) self.assertEqual(True, started) # Stop the application. stopped = application.stop() self.assertEqual(False, stopped) self.assertTrue("stopped" not in tracker.event_names)
[docs] def test_start_and_stop_errors(self): """start and stop errors""" simple_plugin = SimplePlugin() bad_plugin = BadPlugin() application = SimpleApplication(plugins=[simple_plugin, bad_plugin]) # Try to start the application - the bad plugin should barf. with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError): application.start() # Try to stop the application - the bad plugin should barf. with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError): application.stop() # Try to start a non-existent plugin. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): application.start_plugin(plugin_id="bogus") # Try to stop a non-existent plugin. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): application.stop_plugin(plugin_id="bogus")
[docs] def test_extension_point(self): """extension point""" a = PluginA() b = PluginB() c = PluginC() application = SimpleApplication(plugins=[a, b, c]) application.start() # Make sure we can get the contributions via the application. extensions = application.get_extensions("a.x") self.assertEqual(6, len(extensions)) self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3, 98, 99, 100], extensions) # Make sure we can get the contributions via the plugin. extensions = a.x self.assertEqual(6, len(extensions)) self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3, 98, 99, 100], extensions)
[docs] def test_extension_point_resolution_occurs_after_plugin_start(self): # Regression test for enthought/envisage#417 # Given d = PluginD() e = PluginE() application = SimpleApplication(plugins=[d, e]) # When application.start() # Then self.assertEqual( application.get_extensions("d.x"), [1, 2, 3], ) self.assertEqual( application.get_extensions("e.x"), [4, 5, 6], )
[docs] def test_add_extension_point_listener(self): """add extension point listener""" a = PluginA() b = PluginB() c = PluginC() # Start off with just two of the plugins. application = SimpleApplication(plugins=[a, b]) application.start() def listener(extension_registry, event): """An extension point listener.""" listener.extension_point_id = event.extension_point_id listener.added = event.added listener.removed = event.removed # Make sure we can get the contributions via the application. extensions = application.get_extensions("a.x") self.assertEqual(3, len(extensions)) self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], extensions) # Add the listener. application.add_extension_point_listener(listener, "a.x") # Now add the other plugin. application.add_plugin(c) # Make sure the listener was called. self.assertEqual("a.x", listener.extension_point_id) self.assertEqual([], listener.removed) self.assertEqual([98, 99, 100], listener.added)
[docs] def test_remove_extension_point_listener(self): """remove extension point listener""" a = PluginA() b = PluginB() c = PluginC() # Start off with just one of the plugins. application = SimpleApplication(plugins=[a]) application.start() def listener(extension_registry, event): """An extension point listener.""" listener.extension_point_id = event.extension_point_id listener.added = event.added listener.removed = event.removed # Make sure we can get the contributions via the application. extensions = application.get_extensions("a.x") self.assertEqual(0, len(extensions)) # Add the listener. application.add_extension_point_listener(listener, "a.x") # Now add one of the other plugins. application.add_plugin(b) # Make sure the listener was called. self.assertEqual("a.x", listener.extension_point_id) self.assertEqual([], listener.removed) self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], listener.added) # Now remove the listener. listener.extension_point_id = None application.remove_extension_point_listener(listener, "a.x") # Now add the final plugin. application.add_plugin(c) # Make sure the listener was *not* called. self.assertEqual(None, listener.extension_point_id)
[docs] def test_add_plugin(self): """add plugin""" a = PluginA() b = PluginB() c = PluginC() # Start off with just two of the plugins. application = SimpleApplication(plugins=[a, b]) application.start() # Make sure we can get the contributions via the application. extensions = application.get_extensions("a.x") self.assertEqual(3, len(extensions)) self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], extensions) # Make sure we can get the contributions via the plugin. extensions = a.x self.assertEqual(3, len(extensions)) self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], extensions) # Now add the other plugin. application.add_plugin(c) # Make sure we can get the contributions via the application. extensions = application.get_extensions("a.x") self.assertEqual(6, len(extensions)) self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3, 98, 99, 100], extensions) # Make sure we can get the contributions via the plugin. extensions = a.x self.assertEqual(6, len(extensions)) self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3, 98, 99, 100], extensions)
[docs] def test_get_plugin(self): """get plugin""" a = PluginA() b = PluginB() c = PluginC() # Start off with just two of the plugins. application = SimpleApplication(plugins=[a, b, c]) application.start() # Make sure we can get the plugins. self.assertEqual(a, application.get_plugin("A")) self.assertEqual(b, application.get_plugin("B")) self.assertEqual(c, application.get_plugin("C")) # Make sure we can't get one that isn't there ;^) self.assertEqual(None, application.get_plugin("BOGUS"))
[docs] def test_remove_plugin(self): """remove plugin""" a = PluginA() b = PluginB() c = PluginC() application = SimpleApplication(plugins=[a, b, c]) application.start() # Make sure we can get the contributions via the application. extensions = application.get_extensions("a.x") self.assertEqual(6, len(extensions)) self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3, 98, 99, 100], extensions) # Make sure we can get the contributions via the plugin. extensions = a.x self.assertEqual(6, len(extensions)) self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3, 98, 99, 100], extensions) # Now remove one plugin. application.remove_plugin(b) # Make sure we can get the contributions via the application. extensions = application.get_extensions("a.x") self.assertEqual(3, len(extensions)) self.assertEqual([98, 99, 100], extensions) # Make sure we can get the contributions via the plugin. extensions = a.x self.assertEqual(3, len(extensions)) self.assertEqual([98, 99, 100], extensions)
[docs] def test_set_plugin_manager_at_contruction_time(self): """set plugin manager at construction time""" a = PluginA() b = PluginB() c = PluginC() # Start off with just two of the plugins. application = SimpleApplication( plugin_manager=PluginManager(plugins=[a, b, c]) ) application.start() # Make sure we can get the plugins. self.assertEqual(a, application.get_plugin("A")) self.assertEqual(b, application.get_plugin("B")) self.assertEqual(c, application.get_plugin("C")) # Make sure we can't get one that isn't there ;^) self.assertEqual(None, application.get_plugin("BOGUS"))